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REGULAR ASSESSMENT (also known as Decline in Value)

·        A regular assessment occurs annually and is reflected as the Assessor’s valuation of property on the tax bill.

·        File this type of appeal if you believe the value of your property as of January 1 of the current year is less than the assessed value on the tax bill.




July 2 to December 2


Submit a Regular Assessment Appeal

Click here for instructions for the Regular Assessment Appeal form  


·        A supplemental assessment occurs when property is reassessed due to change in ownership (such as purchase of a new home) or new construction (such as adding a bedroom).

·        File this type of appeal if you believe the supplemental assessment was initiated in error and/or the assessed value is inaccurate.



Within 60 days of mailing date or postmark date on the Notice of Supplemental Assessment, whichever is later


Application Part 1 Submit a Supplemental Assessment Appeal

Application Part 2 Click here for instructions for the Supplemental Assessment Appeal form  


·         An escape assessment occurs when events taking place in prior years (such as new construction) were not discovered in a timely manner by the Assessor. Upon discovery, the Assessor reassesses the property and issues a Notice of Enrollment of Escape Assessment.

·        File this type of appeal if you believe the escape assessment was initiated in error and/or the assessed value is inaccurate.



Within 60 days of mailing date or postmark date on the Notice of Enrollment of Escape Assessment, whichever is later


Application Part 1 Submit an Escape Assessment Appeal

Application Part 2 Click here for instructions for the Escape Assessment Appeal form  


·         A calamity assessment occurs when a natural disaster (such as flood or fire) or other misfortune damages your property. The Assessor revalues your property and issues a Notice of Supplemental Assessment.

·        File this type of appeal if you believe the calamity assessment was conducted in error and/or the assessed value is inaccurate.



Within 6 months of mailing date on Notice of Supplemental Assessment


Application Part 1 Submit a Calamity Assessment Appeal

Application Part 2 Click here for instructions for the Calamity Assessment Appeal form  


·         Use this area to download the Assessment Appeals Application in order to manually complete and file any of the appeal types listed above.


As described above


Application Part 1 Click here to download the application form for manual completion

Application Part 2 Click here for instructions for the Assessment Appeal form  


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